We need volunteers for our TeleService endeavor.
TeleService for Central Office
TeleService handles all calls to the Central Office phones during non-business hours.
Our goal is to always ensure that when an alcoholic calls the office, the phones are answered by an alcoholic.
There are several shifts per week available. At the start of your shift, you will call a special phone number and key in the phone number where you want the calls forwarded – either home phone, cell phone – whatever number you want. You will then answer any calls until the end of your shift. Most calls are for meeting information, so these would come during normal, waking hours. We average less than 1 call per shift. We also get, on average, three or four 12-step calls per month, which can come in at any time. Quite often, you will receive NO calls during your shift! However, in the likelihood that a 12-step call comes in, we want to be absolutely sure it is handled by a real alcoholic and not an answering service.
Shift Dates/Times:
Monday — Thursday 8:00 p.m.– 9:00 a.m. (following morning)
Friday — 8:00 p.m.– 10:00 a.m. Saturday
Saturday — 2:00 p.m.– 10:00 a.m. Sunday
Sunday — 2:00 p.m.– 9:00 a.m. Monday
All 12-step information and the TeleService guide will be available to you via a special, secured web page.
Once we have enough people to fill all of the shifts, we will conduct some training sessions for the volunteers and hand out the TeleService Guide.
Phones are forwarded directly to your number by the Central Office Volunteer at the close of each day to your phone number on the day of the month you are assigned.
The office phones are forwarded to the TeleService number during non-business hours and “un-forwarded” at the start of each office shift.
Volunteers need one year of sobriety and must have access to a computer or cell phone with internet access during their shift. To sign up to participate in TeleService, just send an email to manager@aainthedesert.org and indicate:
- your name
- phone number
- your sobriety date (mm/dd/yy)
- preferred shift (see shift dates/times above)
You will be contacted by a TeleService coordinator to be assigned a shift.